Advisory Board

The UKNCC Advisory Board comprises citizens from U.K. business, political and civic life. The Board’s role is to provide insight and guidance in supporting the goals of the UKNCC. It also advises on existing and proposed activities of the UKNCC and Members may, on occasion, act as external ambassadors.

The Advisory Board holds decision making authority over which sources of funding the UKNCC may accept in order to ensure the UKNCC protects its independence.

Members serve as individual citizens and in no way represent any organisation, company or political party with which they may be otherwise associated. The composition of the Advisory Board reflects a wide range of perspectives on China to ensure that the UKNCC is informed by a plurality of views. Advisory Board membership is not remunerated and members serve entirely on a volunteer basis. Terms of Reference for the Advisory Board are freely available on request by clicking here.

Members serve for a three-year term, with the possibility of reappointment for a second term contingent upon their performance and interest in continuing to serve.

Our values are rigour; independence; transparency and engagement.

As an educational non-profit organisation, we are flexible, open, questioning and relentless in the pursuit of improving understanding.